Sue Brown & James Hartley

Sue Brown, Head of Strategy, Innovation & Engagement, Financial Markets Authority and James Hartley, Manager Investment Law, Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment. 

The FMC Regulations and their implications.


3.30pm - 4.15pm

FMC Regulations

The Financial Markets Conduct Act will introduce Regulations that will revolutionise the way public offerings of debt and equity securities will be offered to the public. The Draft Regulations will be issued in October so this will be an excellent opportunity for an early, high-level briefing on what this means for capital raising for you or your clients’ businesses.

Key Themes: Being prepared, regulation, raising capital, market interaction.

About Sue

As Head of Strategy, Innovation and Engagement at the FMA Sue is responsible for leading FMA's change management programme. Sue is a senior lawyer with experience in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Until 2010, she was a partner of DLA Phillips Fox.

About James

James Hartley is the Manager of the Investment Law team at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This team is responsible for financial market policy, including the development of the Financial Markets Conduct Bill. He has worked at MBIE since 2010. James has previously worked as a lawyer and diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and as a solicitor at Chapman Tripp.

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