Geraldine McBride

New Zealander Geraldine McBride is a former CEO and President of several regional divisions of SAP (North America, AsiaPacific, Australia New Zealand), and senior Vice President and Global Head of Applications and BPO (cloud mobile and outsourcing services) for Dell.

Today, following her return to New Zealand in 2013, Geraldine is the co-founder and CEO of a global next-generation technology company called MyWave. She is also a Board director of National Australia Bank (NAB), Fisher & Paykel Finance and Sky TV.

A Zoology major from Wellington’s Victoria University, she has risen to the top of the IT world by applying the natural world imperative: adapt or die, evolve or be left behind. At SAP she set audacious goals and then exceeded them. In postings for IT giants on every continent bar Antarctica, her transformational leadership has repeatedly delivered exceptional results.

She was the winner of the 2013 World Class New Zealand Awards in the category of Information and Communications. Among many international speaking engagements she has addressed the World Economic Forum and the European Union, and has appeared on the cover of Chief Executive Magazine as one of a dozen leaders in the vanguard of forging a new global economy.

Geraldine's remarkable track record in detecting and responding to change has its roots in her early training as a scientist. She constantly questions paradigms and tests hypotheses to create new business models leveraging technology.

She credits her origins in a small country a long way from everywhere else for what she calls "disobedient thinking" - a way of looking at problems and opportunities outside the box. In fact, she says, there is no box.

Her “disobedient thinking” is exemplified in MyWave, which turns traditional CRM ‘big data’ thinking on its head, inplace of a new ‘small data’ approach. MyWave’s platform leverages Personal Cloud technology so end users can own and update their own data based on their own preferences and buying intentions. During 2014 MyWave successfully completed a first round private capital raising preliminary to a New Zealand stock exchange listing application planned for 2015.

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