Adrienne Duarte

Adrienne joined BNZ in September 2012 as the bank's first female Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Adrienne comes to BNZ from the NAB Group where, over the course of 12 years, she's held several General Manager roles, including her most recent one since 2012 as General Manager, Group Performance and Planning. This involved developing insights to assist the Group Executive set the Group performance agenda, including performance improvement initiatives and setting financial targets and plans across the Group. Prior to that, Adrienne's General Manager roles at Group level, included General Manager Performance Management, Capital Insights; General Manager, Financial Strategy & ROE; and General Manager (Group Strategic Investments).

Before joining the Group, Adrienne's career was based in the advisory world in corporate finance and strategy consulting, where she held roles with KPMG consulting, and Marakon Associates, London.

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