Robin Pickover - Market Specialist, Bloomberg

Robin has been with Bloomberg for more than 15 years. Prior to working for Bloomberg, Robin worked in London for 15 years in a variety of roles at Nomura International, his final position being that of Head of Warrant and Convertible Sales and Trading.

He is currently the manager of the team of Market Specialists based in Sydney. During that time he has principally worked in the field of fixed income and derivatives. In the post Global Financial Crisis world, this has increasingly involved assisting clients with their responses to changing regulation, particularly OTC derivatives, using Bloomberg solutions. ASIC Trade Reporting, the accounting requirements of IFRS13 and also IFRS 9 for expected credit losses and hedge accounting have been areas of operation. Latterly the margin regulation for non-cleared OTC derivatives (CPS 226 in Australia) has generated significant interest in Bloomberg’s collateral management solution, BCOL, with its valuation, communication and reconciliation functionality, to mention just some aspects.

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