david mair

Chief Executive Officer 
Skellerup Group

David Mair, CEO of Skellerup Holdings Limited and Director of Forte Funds Management (Advisory Committee), has wide ranging international experience at Director and Executive level, with expertise in managing market development and global operations. He has a specific interest in how New Zealand companies can grow internationally.

David has worked in a number of businesses that for various reasons needed to reset; in particular Skellerup where he joined the Board in 2006, subsequently taking over as CEO in 2011; and a2C where he joined the Board in 2008, subsequently becoming Acting CEO for one year.

David studied Civil Engineering at Canterbury University and then went to Japan where he worked at Panasonic for ten and a half years.  He developed a deep understanding of Kaizen / Kaikaku and Product Development that has helped him develop rapid ways of improving businesses regardless of size.

David lives in Auckland with his wife Yoshie, and two children, Isamu and Monica. He enjoys doing martial arts, particularly Judo and enjoys a Central Otago pinot or two.

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